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In situ delineation of point sources and high resolution mapping of polluted sites by field-portable X-ray Fluorescence measuring device

Tolner Mária

The advantages of the field-portable, handheld XRF instrument and technique are demonstrated via case studies in the toxic metal polluted area of Gyöngyösoroszi, Toka watershed (North-East Hungary). The possibilities and advantages of in situ metal detection using field-portable XRF instrument are demonstrated herein in various applications: 1) delineation of point sources, 2) high resolution mapping, 3) diffuse toxic metal pollution mapping, 4) pollution transport route identification, 5) pre-remediation assessment, 6) directed sampling.


M. Tolner, G. Nagy, E. Vaszita and K. Gruiz : In situ delineation of point sources and high resolution mapping of polluted sites by field-portable X-ray Fluorescence measuring device. GREEN5 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1-4 July 2008 Poster

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