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Mazout (Bunker oil)

Source of the photo
Fenyvesi Éva
Author of the description
Fenyvesi Éva

Heavy residual oil also called mazout, bunker C, bunker C fuel oil, or bunker oil used earlier for heating in industry. Typical soil contaminant. Earlier it was usually stored in soil basins. In winter it solidified and for dilution before pumping, transferring organic solvents and or diesel oil or fuil oil were used. These hydrocarbons applied as solvents contributed to the spreading of mazout in the environment. Not easily biodegradable, but the light components can be biodegraded using proper technology. Highly toxic due to high PAH content. The unbiodegraded neutral, non-dissolving residue can be stabilized in the soil. It can cause decreased eggs production and hatchability as well as reduced viability of birds (e.g. Japanese quails).