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Information on the ECHA website

Mit hol talál meg az ECHA weboldalán?


Az ECHA weboldalán 22 nyelven találhat információt a vegyi anyagok európai szabályozásáváal kapcsolatban.

A legfontosabb weboldalakat itt fel is soroljuk:

ECHA news informs about the most important technical and regulatory developments. Translations are provided online two weeks after the news is published in English ‒

CLP dedicated web pages with detailed guidance on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP) regulation ‒

REACH gets you started with REACH requirements, the chemicals covered and the tools to help you ‒ _en.asp

SIEF gives an overview of the critical information on Substance Information Exchange Fora (SIEFs) and how to prepare for registration under REACH ‒

Data sharing is one of the core principles of REACH. Companies should jointly submit dossiers and share information on substances. This increases the efficiency of the registration system, reduces costs and discourages unnecessary testing on vertebrate animals ‒

Guidance helps you to understand your obligations under REACH and how to fulfil them ‒

REACH-IT companies submit data and dossiers on chemical substances with this tool ‒

Navigator helps you to understand your obligations under REACH and to find appropriate guidance on how to fulfil them. Twenty language versions of the Navigator are available on ECHA’s website. The Polish authorities host the Polish version, the French version will be available before the end of 2012 and a Croatian version is coming in 2013.

C&L notification is a spreadsheet application that allows you to generate your Classification and Labelling (C&L) notification ‒

C&L inventory is a database containing the C&L information of substances notified to ECHA. It also includes the list of legally binding EU harmonised classifications according to the CLP criteria ‒

SME pages provide information and support specifically targeted to small and medium-sized enterprises. Regularly consult ECHA’s website for new information and documents! ‒ ://

